Tricks of the fingertips

Tricks of the fingertips

You asked us how you can strengthen your nails and, well…we couldn’t possibly leave your burning beauty questions unanswered, so here goes – a few tips and tricks to help you sport the strongest, healthiest looking nails this side of the tool section in Bunnings!

Top tip #1: Don’t bite your nails!

Not only do your teeth tear your nails unevenly (hello unkempt and scraggly-looking fingertips!), but your saliva will also weaken them, making them more prone to breaking and splitting. If you need a bit of extra help, try Manicare Stop That – the bitter taste you’ll get every time you put your nails in your mouth is bound to turn you off biting!

Top tip #2: Treat the problem

If your nails are discoloured or continually splitting, it could be the result of a fungal infection. These are often picked up at quick-fix nail salons that are a bit lax on the hygiene levels, so before you get your nails done anywhere, be sure to ask if their tools and equipment are properly sterilized. If you are suffering from a nail infection, try Bio Sculpture Anti-Fungal Treatment, or if it persists, see your doctor for a medicated treatment.

Top tip #3: Rectify those ridges

Sick of sporting uneven polish because of the grooves in your nails? Then it’s time to get those ridges filled – stat! Try Essie Ridge Filling Base Coat under your polish, for a smoother, more even-looking nail bed. It’s also great to use in conjunction with a nail strengthener, which will ensure that your nails don’t split or crack down the ridges. Try Revitanail Sensitive Nail Strengthener.

What’s your biggest nail woe?

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