There’s no denying it, the beauty industry has a waste problem that requires urgent attention. So, what’s the way forward? Well, if you’re asking the new kid on the natural skin care block, etchðos, the answer is going to surprise you.
As part of the family-owned Ego Pharmaceuticals business (the team behind some of your favourite skin care brands such as QV, Elucent and SunSense), etchðos is a brand with our future generations in mind. Built for the eco-conscious among us who need more than just a label claiming to be ethical and sustainable, etchðos is pulling back the curtain and addressing its environmental footprint with more than a simple ‘take our word for it’ approach. And the secret? Milk bottles.
Now before we dive into exactly how that works, here’s a little eye-opening context. Across the globe, the beauty industry alone is said to produce 120 million units of packaging per year. Nine per cent of that number is estimated to be recycled, while the other 91 per cent is going straight into landfill. Yep, scary.
Here’s why you can feel good about etchðos
With natural, ethical and sustainable skin care driving the brand, every single product we bring home from etchðos is kind on the environment. Whether it’s through 94 percent naturally derived^ ingredients or the refillable bottles the scientifically formulated washes and lotions are housed in, a sizeable impact is made long before the ‘Summer Citrus’ Hydrating Body Wash even makes it to our shower shelf.
Now, back to those milk bottles…
By extending the good work refillable packaging is doing, etchðos have not only made a commitment to keeping their bottles out of landfill, but they’re also removing extra rubbish during the process.
How so? Each bottle within the range has been crafted using 50 per cent recycled milk bottle plastic. It’s a commitment which will see them divert 200,000 milk bottles* that would otherwise be sitting in the ground. No small feat.
But why stop there? In an Australian first, each etchðos bottle also wears a label made entirely out of ForestFilm — a material which is made from paper manufacturing waste.

As it stands, there’s a theory floating around that in order to make a commitment to being environmentally conscious, quality or aesthetic must be sacrificed. However, it’s clearly time to put this myth to bed once and for all. The proof is in the natural and luxurious botanical-scented body care pudding and etchðos is one brand we’ll certainly be proud to display in our bathrooms.
^etchðos products contain 94% naturally derived ingredients, as per ISO16128.
*Calculated estimate for a 12 month period.

etchðos -That is now on my favourite list . I do get annoyed with having to get rid of wastage all the time
That’s a great initiative, well done.
That’s awesome. Need to try it.
Yes try it.
I remember them talking about this at the natural beauty event!
Well done etch & ethos. I look forward to trying your products.
Ooh I must try from this brand!
I choose the etchðos body wash from the rewards room. I did not know then that the containers are all made from recycled milk bottles. This makes me like the bady wash even more!!
Great find from the Rewards Room.
Sounds good, will give it a try.
Great job. We go through lots of milk in this house. Thanks Husband and children!
Sounds good to me! 😊
I keep hearing more and more great things about this brand – I can’t wait to try out their products soon.
when they ditch parabens, i will repurchase
What do parabens do? You have so much knowledge.
Said to be hormone disruptors
Sounds great!
That’s really great. I do feel conscious of how much beauty waste there is. However why did they create a new brand . Couldn’t they just replace their products with this packaging. I hate fragrance
I think it’s a new line within the company. Many companies have different lines to appeal to different markets.
I haven’t tried this brand yet, but it’s nice to see they are committed to recycling.
What a great idea – I love how this is so good for the environment!
isn’t that great
Haven’t heard of etchðos before but so very glad that they are Environmentally Friendly especially there skincare products. Will have to keep an eye out so I can buy some to try for myself.
I love when a brand does something good or gives back
I haven’t used the products yet but I’ve read about them.
Now this is what I like to hear!!! Hopefully this spreads throughout the industry fast!
Great to hear throwaway items are being repurposed here
If Etch and Ethos is available at Woolies or Coles then I could get on board with it for sure. I love QV and if it is made by the same company then it should be a good product.
Hopefully they will.
That’s so good!
Wow, that’s impressive! I want to try them.
Love the ethics behind this brand.
I think this brand will get more popular with their stand on helping the environment.
So interested in these etchðos products they sound lovely and amazing for our environment too.
Sounds good
Nice! Never bought from them but looks really nice! X
Only 9% of 120 million units of packaging is said to be recycable material?!
I first came across this brand from seeing it in the Rewards Room.
Such a small percentage. Hopefully this improves as companies realise its what the public want (and need).
I’ve already made this change with laundry detergent and household cleaners. The problem with body wash etc is that I change up what I use quite often, so it’s harder to use refills.
Great that they are able to recycle plastic milk bottles. Love the sound of summer citrus
The new Ego range etchðos is one of the best in the market for sensitive skin! Honestly, there are no cons and just pros 🙂
Sounds good to me.
I saw some of etchðos products in the Rewards Room but I did not look at them because I did not know anything about the brand. Thanks for this article.
Never heard of this product but wouldn’t mind trying
I always recycle my body wash bottles. It’s great that these are also made from recycled plastic.
Good on them. I didn’t realize they were the brand behind QV and Sunsense. I use both these brands
That is very innovative
I love the Etch&Ethos hydrating body wash in Botannical Bloom. It’s great if you suffer from dry skin or even from dermatitis which I do, but only on my arms. Even my husband is using it down on his dry arms. I love how I can keep my push down container and just bought a big bottle that I can just refill into the one we keep in the shower. Such a beautiful product from the container to the contents.
Good to see companies doing their part for the environment
I picked one of these (body lotions) up from the Rewards Room to try.
More brands should be doing this.
Definitely want to try this.Well done etch & ethos.
What a great idea re recycling!
I’m still looking for this brand, I’m not sure where it is sold.
I can’t find this brand 🙁