After much curiosity about this potential cure for my lily-white translucent skin, I finally bit the bullet and went and got myself a spray tan – this being my maiden voyage to the great bronzed land, I can’t be certain if my experience is typical of your average tan, but it was certainly a positive one.
After a reasonably trauma free drive to Moonee Ponds, the land of one way streets,I arrived for my appointment in one piece. My initial apprehension was stripped away (no pun intended) after a leisurely chat over my first Brazilian wax- Yes, there was much beauty-related cherry popping to be had! After my lady parts had been seen from various angles in all their glory, it only made sense when it came down to the spray tan proceedings that I should get all my kit off, so get my kit off I did! From what I had read from much googling and asking friends in the know, I’d heard it was customary to keep ones underwear on…or maybe I just have friends of less-nudist persuasions than myself. But in any case, fleeting feelings of embarrassment were long gone by this stage and I was sold on the idea of no tan lines!
The actual tanning part was swift and precise, and involved a little air-compressor spray gun style apparatus (Imagine a reverse vacuum cleaner, filled with brown liquid). After my full body marination was complete, I was given a nozzle that blew out warm air (Imagine a hybrid of vacuum cleaner and hairdryer) to dry myself off, then as instructed I got my clothes back on, sans bra – in the interests of not abrading my newly tanned hide.
Afterward I was a little concerned about some splotchy/streaky/smudgy patches, but the reassuring words that I would look smooth and sunkissed after a rinse in the shower eight hours post-tan kept me sane (and kept me from rubbing at my smudges). I waited impatiently for 8pm, and proceeded to watch brown water fill my shower recess (no stains, never fear!) and watch my splotches disappear before my eyes. I carefully patted myself dry and gawked at myself in the mirror for a good 15 minutes or so, taking in my new coloured physique (having literally NEVER tanned in my entire 20 years, this was a surprisingly big deal).
Two days later, i’m still enjoying the new brown-but-not-too-brown me, and as much as I like to advocate being happy in your own skin, the near airbrushed effect this gives my far from perfect pins is simply awesome, goodbye tights!
Please note: There has been no editing to this blog entry as it is part of beautyheaven’s BlogStar competition 2011. Subject, tone, grammar and style should all come into play when you are casting your vote.
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