This week I decided to road test a few Lush products that caught my eye! As university started back this week, it included a big pub crawl Wednesday night, the first product I picked up was a emotibomb called “Too Drunk” at $4.95 I’m willing to give anything a go to banish a hangover before my 8.30 Law seminar Thursday morning! Emotibombs are designed for the shower; you place the product on the shower floor so water can reach it and your shower in then to be filled with the aromas! Too drunk has essential oils such as peppermint, tagetes, fennel and sweet wild orange to refresh you and soothe a sore head! So fingers crossed this works a treat for my head.
Okay so too drunk maybe an understatement for how drunk I was last night and as promised a massive hangover, I put this little beauty in the bottom of my shower while I tried to regain consciousness! I’m sad to say that it wasn’t as effective as I hoped, it did not help with the hangover what so ever which I expected anyway (how can a shower bomb vanish that kind of trauma to your head) but the big thing was for me that the aromas did not fill my shower, I ended up picking up the bomb and letting if dissolve in my hands while I inhaled the lovely smells, so I guess the lesson learnt with these is that it needs to be higher up in order to be effective but that was the only down side for me I loved the smell. I’ve always been a big fan of bath bombs but where I live now does not have a bath so these little creations will be the perfect replacement, which I will now let dissolve on the soap holder as it is higher up in the shower but still receives water.
What are your crazy hangover remedies?
Please note: There has been no editing to this blog entry as it is part of beautyheaven’s BlogStar competition 2011. Subject, tone, grammar and style should all come into play when you are casting your vote.
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