Holy Grail of expert tips – Body & Health

Holy Grail of expert tips – Body & Health

“It’s one almost all of my clients comment on and said they never knew! Hold [off on] the moisturiser after your first wash, tans can take up to 12-24 hours to fully develop. For the true potential of your Jbronze tan, hold off on lathering yourself in moisturiser until your tan has peaked, then go for gold to stay hydrated.” ​- Jbronze Make-up and Bronzing Expert, Stacey Macpherson

“Shaving has a natural exfoliating action on the skin, so it will remove any superficial dead skin cells, including self-tan. Ensuring you apply self-tan to well exfoliated and hydrated skin will help to prolong the life of your tan. It is important to shave a few hours beforehand to avoid skin sensitivity.” – Venus Skin Expert, Fiona Tuck

“Coconut oil is an excellent multipurpose item to use as an alternative for shaving cream. Yes, you will have to have a bit of hot water on hand to rinse your razor however you can still see where you are going. It’s fabulous on the skin, smells amazing, [and] is extremely moisturising.” – bh member TheUglyDuckling

“Exfoliating is important. Using circular motions, pay close attention to your elbows and knees which tend to get a lot drier than other parts of your skin.” – Robyn Hutch, NIVEA Skincare Expert

“More than 85 per cent of your happy hormone (serotonin) receptor sites are in the gut. Taking probiotics helps to ensure that the serotonin receptor sites are functioning well.” – Belinda Reynolds, Bioceuticals and Isowhey Dietitian

“The key to transforming your waistline and wellbeing is to consistently eat well and move as often as possible. Choose your favourite cardio machine in the gym or simply get outside in the fresh air where you can walk, run, swim or ride. Aim to do 30-45 minutes of continuous movement. If you’re in the gym, you can use more than one piece of equipment.” – Nardia Norman, Personal Trainer and IsoWhey Contributor

“If your liver has taken a beating after many late nights of drinking and overeating, why not give it some love by taking milk thistle? This herb is worth considering as it is a powerful antioxidant which has protective and regenerative effects on the liver.” – Stephanie Berglin, Nutritionist, Herbalist and FX Medicine Educator

“If you are planning on buying a new pair of shoes, new shorts or compression clothing for a big fitness event (like a half marathon), make sure you try them out and wear them in well before the day of the race!” – Andrew ‘Pap’ Papadopoulos, IsoWhey Sports Ambassador

“Did you know your shower gel and shampoo can affect how well your false tan develops? The active tanning agent (DHA) found in all self-tan that develops and lasts on the skin is affected by your skin’s pH. If you shower and use shower gel and shampoo immediately before applying your tan, it can raise the pH of your skin. Self-tan develops best on skin that is well moisturised and lower on the pH scale so my top tip is to shower a couple of hours before you tan so your skin’s pH has time to return to normal levels. Happy tanning!” – Marissa Carter, Creator of Cocoa Brown

“Did you know pomegranates are packed with antioxidants equal to those in green tea and red wine and are loaded with vitamin C and potassium? Vitamin C is amazing for building collagen in the skin, so you will be glowing!” – Pamella Zakostelsky, Naturopath and Co-Founder of Miss Vitality; Natasha McCrystal, Paramedical Aesthetician and Co-Founder of Miss Vitality

“For those who get keratosis pilaris, or little bumps along the upper arms, I suggest using an exfoliating cleanser with AHAs and a body brush.” – Grace Valanidas, Skin and Laser Therapist, All Saints Skin Clinic Sydney

“Life is about balance. Don’t get caught up in the latest diet because we all know they never work. By living a life eating mostly foods that are as close to nature, known as the low HI (human intervention) lifestyle, you will never need to diet again. The body knows what to do with nature. Living a HI [life] means you can celebrate with a glass of Champagne, or have some chocolate every now and again. Because life is meant to be enjoyed, and feeling great with good food and being a little bit naughty now and then is what life is about.” – Boost Juice Founder Janine Allis

“You have a three minute window to apply your body moisturiser after exiting the shower or bath to prevent moisture loss and dehydration from occurring in the skin. This way you maximise your skin hydration levels by sealing in the moisture from the shower or bath, as well as adding much needed protection for the skin.” – Emma Hobson, Education Manager for the International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica

“To prevent ingrown hairs apply a salicylic acid exfoliant, it’s fantastic for removing dead skin and unblocking the hair from the follicle.” – Emma Hobson, Education Manager for the International Dermal Institute and Dermalogica

“Form and technique are everything when it comes to resistance training. Slow and steady wins the race. Also, leave your ego and your issues at the door when you lift. Worry about you and yours only.” – Natasha Vasilevski, Fernwood Preston Personal Trainer

“Are you mistaking thirst for hunger? Staying hydrated is essential, [and drinking] water helps you to feel satisfied, keeps your bowels moving, and is also great for your skin.” – Belinda Reynolds, Bioceuticals and Isowhey Dietitian

Did any of the above tips surprise you? Which one will you be trying out first?

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