The facial exercise that rivals a round of Botox

The facial exercise that rivals a round of Botox

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Face gym, face yoga and face training. Call it what you like, there’s just one rule: don’t knock it ‘til you try it.

We expect there are a few people reading this who have done extensive research into the best at-home workouts and online gym memberships available during the lockdown period.

So, why not channel the same discipline and apply it to the forty three muscles in your face?

Annelise Hagen,  author of ‘The Yoga Face: Eliminate Wrinkles with the Ultimate Natural Facelift’ says, “relaxing the muscles where we hold the most tension – the jaw, brow and forehead – counteract the wrinkle-causing grimacing we do on a daily basis”. 

Sounds just like Botox, only there’s no needles involved.

You in? Let’s do it.

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What exactly are face exercises?

Think of it like resistance training for your face. Imagine your knuckles, jade rollers, and gua shas are like mini dumbbells or resistance bands. It’s the same principle as doing a squat or a bicep curl, but instead, you’re moving, stretching and building muscle in your face.

What are the benefits of face exercises?

You know how our skin changes with age, losing elasticity and building up fine lines and wrinkes?  When we work the muscles in our face it helps to lift and firm the skin that’s become loose and droopy. However, as well as tightening and sculpting, there is also a reduction in puffiness, increase in collagen production, improved circulation, reduced water retention and inflammation. Phew.

Meghan Markle is one of the many celebs who is a face-yogi convert, “I swear it works, as silly as you may feel. On the days I do it, my cheekbones and jawline are way more sculpted.” So yes, it’s confirmed, there is in fact a correlation between face yoga and marrying a Prince.

What do I need to do a face exercise?

Tools like a gua sha or jade roller can be incorporated into any face work out routine, but they aren’t necessary, so don’t be deterred if you don’t own one. All you really need is a face moisturiser or oil of your choosing and your hands (sanitised of course).

How to do a face exercise

Nichola Joss (facialist to Gwenyth Paltrow) shares this routine for some easy at-home movements:

If you prefer video, you could also check out Dr Mona Vand’s tutorial.

How often should I be doing these?

No one is asking you to stand in front of the mirror every morning, rubbing your face with a crystal and chanting for eternal youth (no disrespect to Charlize Theron in Snow White and the Huntsman, we are all fighting our own battles).

Credit: Roth Films

BUT, for results, you need to be consistent.

The recommended amount is about 20 minutes, six days a week and you’ll see results in less than two months.

Please… who has twenty minutes to themselves in the privacy of their own home these days, you say? Well, YOU! What better time to give it a go?

Pop on a Netflix show and you’ll be done before you’re even half way through the episode.

Earth shattering results are not going to happen overnight, but if you are disciplined with the exercises, this might the answer to a non-surgical face lift

Main image credit: @abigailjames1

Have you tried any face exercises before? Do you think you’ll give this one a go?

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Comments 81

  1. I’ve tried some in the past but not disciplined enough to reap the benefits. I like to use a device that does the work for me. I’ve been using the Manicare Novofit since trialling it and it gives my fave a great massage. I’m also big on jade rollers and started using them before they were so wide spread. I’m obsessed with crystals and rolling them into my skin is pure bliss!

  2. I’ve been looking into this type of stuff but it does make me kind of nervous. With my skin already showing some signs of ageing I’m so scared to in any way increase tug at it. I use an oil cleanser every night for a very light, careful massage though so I will try and incorporate some of this!

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