3 tips for excellent eye health and ear care

3 tips for excellent eye health and ear care

It’s important to look after the health of our eyes and ears, and with these eye health and ear care tips you can do just that! 

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How to clean ears safely and effectively

Poking small objects around in your ear repetitively can be dangerous and lead to ear canal damage. Many health professionals recommend instead using ear cleaning drops to assist with ear wax removal, which will soften excess ear wax naturally and allow it to run out of the ear. Ear cleaning drops can be purchased from all good chemists.

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How to deal with dry eyes

Tears keep your eyes moist. If you suffer from dry eyes or dry eye syndrome it generally means that your tear fluid is evaporating too quickly. A simple remedy to dry eye problems is to take a regular fish oil supplement. The omega-3 found in fish oil will help improve the fatty layer of your tear formula, preventing your tears from being overly thin and watery so they won’t evaporate as quickly. bh recommends Swisse Ultiboost Odourless Wild Fish Oil due to it’s odourless formulation, or for those who prefer a smaller capsule, Blackmores Odourless Fish Oil Mini Caps.

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How to banish blood-shot eyes

To treat blood shot eyes after you’ve pulled an all-nighter, buy some eye allergy drops from your chemist and store in the fridge to keep extra cool. Allergy drops treat inflammation, so they’re ideal for red eyes and keeping them cool with intensify their calming effect. Pop a few drops in each eye when you wake up (or stumble home!) and your redness should disappear completely within as little as a few seconds.

Do you take good care of your eyes and ears? What other eye and ear products do you recommend? 

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