I constantly have ants in my pants. Sporadically they host a little party, and it’s when the ants start dancing that I end up doing something dramatic. In the past, I’ve quit my job, bought a sewing machine and set up a solo sweat shop in my room after deciding a career as a seamstress was an ingenious idea (this apparatus is now used as a bedside table); I’ve gone and got numerous tattoos and piercings (I also now sport a huge scar on my wrist where a metal bar once sat); and it was one particular rainy Wednesday in London – when the insects were raving – that I decided to emigrate to Oz.
But if I did something dramatic every time I got itchy feet, I’d probably be covered head-to-toe in ink, unemployed, or worse – living in a wagon pulled by a donkey, belongings tied in a red spotted scarf and flung over my shoulder.
Which is probably why I find myself changing my hair as often as I do. Colour: I’ve been blonde, brunette, copper. Fringe: blunt, side swept, wispy. Cut: long waves, sleek bob, choppy layers…I think it gives me the satisfaction of change, without being too drastic.
So yesterday when I sensed the ants putting on their tap shoes and filling up their cocktail glasses, I decided another transformation was in order. I booked an appointment at Suki Hairdressing and told them I was coming in for a hair makeover (once you say it out loud then there’s no going back. That’s the rule.)
Now I Just need to decide what to get done…
Kate’s had her transformation now! Click here to see her hot new hair look…