Nothing gives me a greater case of the green-eyed monster than when I see a barefaced beauty, with not a skerrick of make-up on, looking utterly, naturally glamorous. HOW do they do it? I have acne scars as far as the eye can see, and even when I reach for the concealer I still don’t believe my face looks as delectably even as someone with sensational skin.
Now, I enjoy barely-there beauty as much as the next girl, but when you don’t have flawless skin, it’s a little bit harder to achieve complexion perfection with little more than a touch of concealer.
So I decided to take action and start mending the problem instead of just, well… covering it up. If you’re in the same boat as me, then you’ll need these skin savers by your side…
Clinique Even Better Skin Tone Corrector is the perfect solution to my acne scarring and uneven complexion, and keeps my skin bright and youthful – all in one fell swoop.
Biore Skin Preservation Even Smoother Microderm Exfoliator is my first port of call for removing those obvious dead skin cells and allowing healthier, more even ones to emerge.
Olay Definity Tone Correcting Anti-Ageing Foaming Moisturiser SPF15 fights the appearance of skin discolouration and actively combats any red, blotchy skin all in one hit.
What are your tips for complexion perfection?